Tuesday, May 04, 2010

abt supporting elopement

All those who are against of parents in dis case, could u tell me honestly if ur sister would have illicit relationship wid smone (3 month pregnant), would u welcome her....say gr8 work u did my sister/daughter.... would u say ? Be Honest....... She was wrong.... she was extremely Selfish and Characterless ,loose-morale..... such person need to exterminate.... its right to kill such person..... these person r black-spot on the name of civilized society..... U all r hypocrites who advocates elopement and illicit relationship..... illegal sex......
if ur sister/daughter would have illegal sexual relationship... den ur heart would be in problem while u r easily giving ur so-called progressiveness/modern-value based preaching to others..... such type of person having such double-standard are called BASTARD.....
no-one sud interfere in anyone's (family) personal affairs..... A family lost her well-settled daughter because of her fault only.... and now u r supporting that her family sud loose some more person either suicide or jail...... n u call urself LIBERAL..... its the cruelty and its same as TALIBANI does..... imposing ur value(which ur family too don follow) to other family.....EXTREMIST MODERNIST(so-called) same like as Extremist TALIBANI

Does love means wid any boy/gal against ur family.....
love means love wid ur parents too...... love wid nation too..... etc... (u cud understand it)

secondly./... love doesnot mean marrying and having illicit sexual relationship.....

u love ur father does it mean u will marry wid ur father..... u love any building/scene etc... does it mean u marry wid non-physical th.....

never hav il-logic..... western influence.............
person muct obey his/her family.... u cud hav millions of options as well as boy/gal is concerned bt u cannot hav alternative of parents.....
so always believe in mutual consent 4m both sides.....

caste/religion watever class.... if ur parents follow it , u too sud follow it and if u don believe in it..... u leave ur child abt it......

moral of the story...... u follow ur family and u a/c to ur value/belief , let ur child follow..... simple...... u/ur family both would be happy....

secondly..... if u hav 3 option..... 1-> boy/gal suits u bt not family
2-> boy/gal suits ur family, not u
3-> boy/gal suits both of ur family n u

which option is best....(3) option is best...... Think widout any western biased....
Does love means wid any boy/gal against ur family.....
love means love wid ur parents too...... love wid nation too..... etc... (u cud understand it)

we hav to live in dis society only, and societal change (even if its +ve) takes some times, so we sud hav enough patience and wen time would be accordingly we sud initiate any such action..

I respect all others opinion , m just keeping my views before others, i don believe in imposing my value over others but i hav my right to approve or dis-approve anyone action....

Also, its not the matter of Medieval-Age or Modern Age and it sud not be. its matter of right or wrong (dat too depends upon the person's perspective)
Thought and Action changes abt any issue time-2-time,place-2-place, in every age there has been some thoughts/principle which was right/wrong/trade-off(for some its right for sm extent , n wrong for some person at some extent ), so out of those all thoughts we need to choose someth which is right no matter whether its originates in medieval age or So-called Modern age...

Medieval Age: Neuton, Scrondinger,BHAKTI-MARG(Devotion based sect), alot of scientific incidents, a lot of such social incidents which causes our present societal system.....

besides there are alot of -ve th too like SATI-PRATHA,IMPERIALISM,UNTOUCHABILITY etc.....(untouchable issue originates post Maurya-era ),DEVDASI etc.....

similarly in Modern Era: Greed, Promiscuity ,Selfishness, Materialism, Global Warming/-ve Climate Change due to present Blind materialism, immorality, WMD(war of mass destruction e.g. nuclear weapons, chemical/biological weapons etc..), not respecting elders, no love just physical relation based relation etc.....

so....... don use Medieval or Modern word...rather use Right/Wrong word..... dere r lot of th which ws better in Medieval Age.... and there r lot of thing which is better in present era....

Also the present democratic equality based system originates in Medieval time only...means gud origination was in medieval time....so we sud hav balanced approach while discussing abt these issue.....

also.... Its INDIA....not any western country where there is SWACHANDATA(absolute freedom, indiscipline freedom, immoral freedom) ....so elopement ,sex before marry ,widout family approval illicit relationship cannot justified......

Conclusion: honor killing is bad, but child who elopes r more faulty than parents ,parents bcos they didnot take care properly their wards and cudnot inculcate proper values to their wards...... n child bcos they cudnot control over their lust-based emotions and cudnot take care their parents n other family member wishes.....

Ur article reflects u r rigid that eloping is right, too much freedom i.e swachandata is right, ir-responsible and free sexual behavior is right, self-centered thought is right in same way as westerner thinks and acts...

Dear western mental/cultura;/thought-based slave.... its BHARATA-VARSHA not western land....

ur conclusion abt what is right ,what is wrong is based of some principle values of western modern culture n value system, and as u know philosophy->value system->culture-custom->emotion->word->behave->action->result in western society.... do u want india to be cultural carbon copy of west where there would be cultural outlook would be same as there in the west??? i along wid majority of indian don want to see it....so i won follow a/c to western logic....as u have cited here....

i don want my sister/daughter/son/brother to be extreme materialistic/selfish, too much self-centered view, violent and aggressive thought,un-spiritual and no culture at all....no respect for elders, no deserve, no control over emotion ....

as u give input...u would get similar output....

if u give western input in society....we would have western society as output....

so better be open minded...n open minded does not mean western-minded....

God Bless U!!!!!


I hav gone through your comments , abt small town and big-town.. it doesnot matter... dis is global village . everywhere there is characterless and characterized person.... even in past...dere were alot of cases of loose character person.....

2ndl abt my living in small town or big town.... u sud know.... I'm Engg. from One of the BEST Institute of India.... and m prep. for IAS...... so m busy in prep..... after 23 may, i will answer your comments.....

Thirdly, values differs, u r westernist as well as culture and value is concerned.... ur sis is living wid smone before marry... u say ... everyth is ok in dese th just bcos in metros , people don care dese th...means for u social identity doesnot matter.... social/ prestige doesnot matter... everyth is pleasure/material..... majority of india doesnot hav dis value....

ur family has westernized value dats why they don hav problem if ur sis is living wid smone before marry..... for u character and moral doesnot matter..... almost whole india except few westernist like u ...its matters alot..... neither u cud be smone gud daughter so dat parents ,family and her clan cud hav respect.... nor u cud be smone sister, if u would indulge in pre-marital sexual relationship, ur bro cannot feel comfprtable, his frnd would comments abt u to him, n he would be frustrated, so he would break tie wid u even he cud harass u... atlest he cud never consider u as proud sister..... similar way u cud never be anyone gud wife..... bcos u would hav alot of relationship wid alot of person prior to him..... so u cud never be gud wife..... simialry u cud never be gud Mother, bcos ur sosn daughter would know u don hav morale, u r loose character..... so they will hate u..... they cannot obey u....
society cud never respect u.... dey would consider u loose women.... means not even proud citizen.....

In short.... u r gud for noth....... here YOU=all person who hav dis view.....

i will explain abt it later....after 23 may..... keep patience...

I m not forcing my view over other..... i would like to keep my view..... we cud hav healthy discussion.... even if finally we would be able to say " we r agree to disagree wid each others..."

P.S: Im in hurry.... so don hav time to type a alot of th.... M in office..... hav alot of work beside study..... God Bless U!!!

if ur sister would elope wid smone then u would understand it else its very easy to deliver sermons to other that u sudnot do it u, u sud have left his/her as a/c to his/her own wishes.... we don hav animal society where everyone is free a/c to his/her wishes.....

Family system means duty and right for each member..... so everyone has right over every member of family....

secondly, in indian system, we don consider marry is relation betwen tow people rather its the relation between two family where each n every member of one family make some specific relation wid each n every member of other family, so obviously everyone need to be participant in decision making..... GOT???

Eloping is nothing but against family-system value,its extreme selfish behavior, Immoral, and Lustful activity....

Love doesnot mean love wid boy/gal...it also means love wid parents/family/nation too....

secondly, does love means marry....No..... u love ur sister/brother...does it mean u marry wid ur sister/mother..... so love everyone why to elopement......

Since western value is dominating all around the world, so all western-slave-minded people who don hav free mind start to hyperventilating against Indian traditional system......

Think Widely,Wisely and Deeply.....
