Thursday, June 19, 2008

[I] some has criticized abt it, one gal whose bf family refused to marry her bcos she ws relatively higher evolved ovam person a/c to VARNASHRAM principle, d answer of her query wid lil questions....[/I]

1. The question of looks 2. The question of caste-system and its marriage-laws.

Now, as far as 1. the question of looks is concerned, there is no rule given by anyone or Sri Sri Thakurji. Its a personal choice of the individual depending upon his understanding. True beauty is the inner beauty.

2. Caste-system & its marriage laws

Dear, every thing & every individual in the creation is beautiful, lovely & purposeful.
But no two things and no individuals are identical !! Everything is unique. Sameness as equality DOES NOT exist in Nature ! Can u find any two persons exactly alike ? Even clones have "different temperaments."

Varities is the law of Nature. And the FOUR VARNAS are simply FOUR GROUPS of 'SIMILAR INBORN INSTINCS' as per genetics & heredity. And they also have sub-groups (castes) and sub-sub groups(sub-castes). For details u can read at the following link:
Science of Caste/Varna system- Marriage Laws
Sri Sri Thakurji on Eugenics
समानता-एक भ्रान्ति

Here, we are talking about eternal laws & dynamics of Nature. These things never change. Human beings needed oxygen even in 17th & 18th century, since the very beginning of life.... Can u change it ? ....Similarly, the laws of Human Eugenics is in 'Nature'. Those who know & follow this science survive and grow, and those who do not simply disintegrate. Or do u think its an outdated idea to still depend upon oxygen for survival ?

Modern science is making good progress in Genetics, Heredity & Eugenics. In plant & animal kingdom we r implementing selective breeding.

Indian sage -scientists have been advanced enuf to understand the science of Human breeding (Eugenics) as well. >>>>

This science has been known as Varna-system. But, Indians have gradually stopped following it due to ignorance and out of inferiority complex. We blindly follow the West as we think whatever our indigenous Sage-scientists have given is bogus, backward & outdated. Without even examining them with a rational & scientific approach !

Now, when the West has taken huge interest in genetics & eugenics and is talking about the importance of BIO-DIVERSITY, we are all going ga-ga over it !!! The science of Ayurveda is being adopted all over the world !!

"Modern intellectual Indians" will think hundred times and consult experts to find proper mate for their dogs, so that the breed is good. But when it comes to their daughter & sons, they look down at 'caste-system' with contempt. What a horror ! Their children are not worth even their dogs perhaps !

These people go to malls and search for "better quality" 'basmati' rice, and "better quality" cauliflowers, brinjals & potatoes....... but do not bother when it comes to breeding they give a damn.

If u will read the links given in the above post, u will know the basis of varnas/castes.
But questions may remain in your mind, as its a vast science. So, I request you to correspond with me on my email id:, and I will try my best to provide answers.

Please note that inter-caste marriage is good & fully supported by Sri Sri Thakurji, if it is in the proper framework. A girl of higher varna/caste must not (never) marry a boy of lower varna/caste. It produces children who are destructive to peace, life & growth of all by their inborn instincts. Worse, they can not be changed by education or whatever. It should be noted that a marriage is simply not a PERSONAL thing. As one produces children who affect the society, NONE can act just on personal whims & desires.

I assume u r a lady ( as ur name suggests). Dear sister, please do not think that ur low or there is any fault in u. Rather, u shud be proud of what u are ! >>>

Take pride in whatever u r. Every human being should take pride in them. But they should respect others as well.

If my genetic lineage is great, so are others’. But to think that all human beings are equal & identical and there should be jungle’s law when it comes to breeding children, is scientifically unacceptable & untenable.

World is moving towards furtherance. We need to remove our ignorance about caste system & realize this superb science. Its hilarious that we are still trapped in the web of inferiority complex due to slavish attitude.

Dear sister, do not marry someone who is from a varna of a lower rank than you.
As far as learning what makes someone’s rank higher or lower, genetically, read carefully the links given earlier. And correspond with me.

Then, if required u can talk to me over phone.

Thanks a lot for posting these important queries.

About Horoscope

Horoscope is an indicator of a person's inner temperament. There are several parameters ( I think 34 or 36) or indicators of a person's mind, temperament, physiology, biology, pulsations etc.

They also indicate what type of thoughts arise in that person's brain, how his or her nervous system functions, how his or her subconscious mind acts in various situations...... There are other things also.

In short, they reveal ur entire biological, mental & temperamental make-up.

So, at least 50% of these indicators should be compatible if marriage has to take place. Otherwise, it will be a unhealthy marriage in some respect or the other.

However, horoscope matching is done only after other factors, like varna, caste, clans, family etc. are compatible.

Its amazing how people are so ignorant about horoscope in 21st century ! I think the science of horoscope is so advanced that our 'intellectuals' will able to comprehend it only by 31st century !!

1.You need to understand the implications of various types of cross-breeds, the consequences & everything of the Human breeding science of Varna system by reading and discussing in detail. Then only will u be able to grasp its meanings & connotations.

2. When a person goes for a wrong breeding of his Alsatian (or any pedigree) dog, do u think that the resultant offspring will not be happy ? What happens when it’s a faulty cross-breeding ? Is ‘happiness’ of the dog any criterion there ?
Find out yourself.

3. Giving donations, alms and the story example u have given are too outwardly things. When a wrong-bred person’s life is fully examined, all the problems will become crystal clear. Do u know how much Dawood Ibrahim & Arun Gawli or Abu Salem help people ? Immensely. All the corrupt politicians & bureaucrats
can be seen giving huge charities, helping others & speaking with tongue of honey ! Can that be the measure to judge them ?.... The great Mother Teresa helped all the poor & the needy, but never accepted equality of all religions & helped the so-called Christian evangelism, promoting religious hatred in the society !!

4. I think u have not read the links I gave. Otherwise, you wd have got a better idea about the definition of “proper Human beings”.

5. A wrong-bred person may amass huge wealth, may be super-intelligent & get all the promotions but his effect on the society will always be negative & disastrous. One needs eyes to perceive this. Success is measured today by money, fame & how much material things one consumes !! Nature abhors these things, dear.

Take up these simpler challanges !

6. U have written that So you are telling that my children will be destructive for the society. It will be my challenge to grew them up and show this to world. And I accept the challenge.

Why do not you accept a much simpler challenges…? !!!

i) Just take a kilo of ordinary rice and convert them into “basmati” by whatever means u can !! Use all kinds of nourishments, AC environment and whatever u can. You will get the answer.

ii) Take a puppy of normal street dog and give it all the training which u can.
Lets see whether it gets the attributes of a pure-bred Alsatian or not ! You will get the answer.

iii) Take a raw alfonso mango and convert it into any other breed of mango if u can. You will get the answer.

If u can achieve these, I will salute u. Otherwise, you will have to salute the glorious science of Human Eugenics, called Varnashram. No malice intended.

7. The Indo-Aryans do not go for “beliefs” and lousy things like that. We only accept hard-core science with full facts, tallying with the dynamics of Nature.“Beliefs” are for upstarts or ignorant ones, Varnashram has absolutely no place for such stuffs.

8. What is the meaning of real ‘love’ ? Does it mean being self-centered and jeopardizing the very society in which we live ? Does it mean poisoning the humanity for narrow selfish interests ?

A farmer who ‘loves’ his crops never allows harmful weed to grow between them. Similarly, we humans need to ‘love’ our human society and not allowing ‘wrong-bred’ humans to originate.

9. What is broad-mindedness ? To accept air-pollution, water-pollution, land-pollution, destruction of bio-diversity in eco
systems & Nature ? Does broad-mindedness means accepting the reduction of oxygen in the atmosphere ?

How can broad-mindedness ever mean ‘going against the laws of Nature’ ?
Does broad-mindedness means rejecting the science of genetics & heredity ?
If this is so, beware of this ‘broad-mindedness’ ! Such things are leading human civilization to dogs.

10. Varna-system in NOT about fighting for superiority or inferiority. Its about differences. It speaks of true democracy where uniqueness of every individual is recognized & they are grouped according to their inherent traits & attributes. “From each to the best of his ability & to best nourishment to each as per his needs” is the funda of this science. Every person has the right to stand on his own uniqueness.

It is a system where everyone takes pride in himself & also recognizes/respects each & everyone has something special.

All fingers of the hand are unequal. Should they fight over it ? Can they all be considered equal as per your concept of ‘broadmindedness’ ? Or each one of them should realize its own potential & special place in the scheme of Nature, and function accordingly ? !! Dear sister, Nature will go haywire if its units behave in an unlawful manner.

Our world is facing such great problems today, in spite of development in science, technology, education, communications & economics. Why ?

It is because of downfall in the ‘quality of human beings’. The crops of human beings who are being bred are pathetic. They are destructive to life & growth. That’s why there is chaos everywhere, in all aspects of life. Circumstances of humans have improved but humans themselves have degenerated. Simply, because we have forgotten how to breed good quality human beings. This is possible only thru the science of Human Eugenics. No other solution has ever worked and no other solution can ever work. Take a note,

11. All Varnashram laws are validated. You have to read more, discuss more on this to increase your awareness, my sister ! Just because you are not aware, it does not mean that its not validated.

12. Whether you agree or not depends on whether u read & discover more abt it or not. The thoughts arising in your brain, ‘chitta’ (चित्त) & मन are regulated by the proportionate amount of ‘Satva’, ‘Rajas’ & “Tamas” Gunas inherent in ur biological make-up. Ur decision will depend upon them.

U r welcome to write more. But please read the links given earlier & give a point by point reply, instead of just dismissing it in an un-intellectual manner.

Thanks & Regards.

sonam..... hav u ever thought abt d difference in word "CASTISM " and "Diversity " ???

u cannot marry wid ur brother? why ???

u cannot marry wid sm HIV person why ???

n abt dese love etc... read dis post...

and hey... its not fully related to ur profession and education (maculay )(not sure abt spelling )

its related to ur mentality and awareness....
osama bin laden ws civil engg./arch, al-jawahiri ws doctor, many top criminals/terrorist belongs to elite class, most of d CIVIL SERVANT r irresponsible and corrupt why? don they hav mind or don they hav gud education....

so better.... leave dis education,college, profession issue, better talk wid logic...

it may be possible sm farmer (whom u call il-literate ) can teach u alot of thing...

wel.... try to understand d difference b/w caste and plurality of d society.....

if i'll marry widin my caste? is dis CASTISM ??? how funny ???

why all religion? whynot one religion?
why so many caste ? whynot just one caste ?
why so many state ? whynot just one state?
why so many country? whynot just one country ?
why so many color? whynot just one color ?
why so many breeds of vegetable/animal/flower etc...whynot just one breeds ?

wat's ur answer ?

1. We welcome ur peer group. Poor IITian & IIM-chaps do not study life sciences or biology, sweetheart ! Ever since their inception, the IITs have not been able to produce a single major scientific discovery for this country !! IIMs learn their management by inviting ‘experts’ like Laloo Yadav !! U expect them to understand the great science of Varnashram ? Are u kidding ?

And the greats of Harvards & Cambridge will be dumbo when u them a single question- How does life come into the cell ? What makes a cell ‘living’ ?
Sweet Sonam, their science has no clue yet. What will they do here ? Disco dance ?

But, yes, all those who are aware of at least genetics, eugenics & heredity sciences, may somewhat ( not fully) think abt it.

2. ‘Religion’ is a concept which does not exist in Indo-Aryan tradition. It’s a concept which has come from the West, and India has got nothing to do with it. For us, the fundamental laws & dynamics of Nature which uphold life & growth are the ‘Dharma’ to be followed. ‘Dharma’ word comes from root ‘dhri’ of Sanskrit which means ‘that which upholds life & growth’. We know nothing else. ‘Hinduism’ is a term coined by Islamic invaders who pronounced ‘S’ of ‘Sindhu’ as ‘H’. There is no religion called ‘Hinduism’. The Supreme Court of India has ruled & declared that what is loosely called ‘Hinduism’ refers to a cultural life style and it is NO religion.

We follow what are the fundamentals of Nature, irrespective of who on the earth has discovered it. We worship Prophet Mohammad & Jesus Christ just as we worship Krishna & Ram. Because they all preach the same Universal Truth, which is not confined to any community.

Those who think that Indo-Aryans Sanatan Dharma, Islam & Bible are different from each other are totally ignorant & foolish ones.

3. Varna or caste is a fundamental fact of Nature in all aspects, be if soils, water, air, plants, animals, minerals, humans, planets, stars & whatever you name. It has got nothing to do with any ‘belief system’, dear ! Nature has not created any two things identical/equal. God, as seen in Nature, did not create any two things equal/identical. Can u provide a single example contrary to this ? I challenge you, your peers & all those whom you wish to call.

Bio-diversity is the hall mark of Nature. Those who realize & understand it, and follow it grow & develop. Those who do not, crash. India stopped following Varnashram seriously after the time of King Ashoka. People of poor quality started getting births & good breeds declined. This led to India’s downfall. ( Have u not read the link which I had given ?) Otherwise, till Ashoka’s time, India was the leader in sciences & all aspects.

4. I do not know whose parents think what about you or anyone. Such personal things can not be a part of our discussion here. As far as Kundali is concerned, I have already explained that it is nothing but an indicator of ur physical, mental, physiological attributes & traits. Nothing else.

5. There is no God sitting up there on the clouds ! George Bernard Shaw had said: “Beware of those men whose God is in skies.” That is our principle too.

Those who obey the laws of Nature grow & develop. Those who do not, do not get any benefit. God exists there in the laws of Nature which we call ‘Dharma’ in Sanskrit. “ Universal & Eternal laws of Nature” are called ‘Sanatan Dharma in Sanskrit. This ‘Dharma’ is one and can never be many because Nature is the same for all beings.

This God has created human beings with DNA, chromosomes & also with a Soul.
Whether anyone knows these or not, or whether anyone ‘believes’ or not are immaterial & irrelevant in Nature.

Go to any corner of the creation, any planet, ‘change your so-called religion’, hide in caves…. but you can not escape Nature. Varnashram laws are Nature’s, not man-made. Only the nomenclature is by man. Where will you run away ?!!!

6. There is hardly any unity in European countries. If u say so it means u r completely ignorant about their history as well as the contemporary world situation ! Read what the Romans did, what was French Revolution, what caused the two world wars and what is happening with arms race & nuclearisation of the western countries ! The Galls, the Celts, the Druids, the Semetics, the Hemetics and what not. And the rapidly increasing social disintegration, fear psychosis, depression, suicides, divorce rates, teenage pregnancies, drug addictions and a series of catastrophic situations. Read about them dear, read. Then talk here.

Indians have started following the West, so they have started facing the same problems. Out of sheer inferiority complex, we have neglected our own superior sciences. We are going the European way in treating Nature just an object of consumption. Such blatant consumerism has brought environmental chaos, energy crisis & resource-crunch. This year food-grain situation has started worsening. Why ?.... Because the quality of human beings has become poorer. Due to not adhering to Human Eugenics principles.

As stated earlier, after King Ashoka, Indians neglected Varnashram. As a result, we became slaves of foreigners. Now, we have got independence & own democracy but we have leaders & officers who are totally character-less & corrupt. They are wrong breeds, dear ! No system will work if the people are poor-type. No education will help. Have u seen any great breakthrough in IITs’ history ? Name a single epoch-changing invention, if u can !!

But, before Ashoka, this was not so.

7. India is a great country because it has so many languages ! This is our strength. Not weakness. We nurture bio-diversity in all respects. We practice democracy where nobody’s, not even a single individual’s , culture ( if in sink with Nature’s laws) is crushed. Every one has to grow. Nature is diverse. India is a garden of diversity. This is our strength. Nobody likes a garden with a single type of flower.
The beauty is in diversity.

Why we fight over language, culture and similar things ? Because our quality has gone down. We seek any excuse to fight. Members of a single family fight too. Should we remove the concept of family ? Couples are fighting all the time, so lets remove the institution of marriage ! Politicians are corrupt, so remove the government ! Such rubbish talks have no place here, dear.

The Americans are dreaded the most. They have accumulated the largest number of weapons of mass destruction. They are threatening all other nations. But they themselves are the most scared. They even fingerprint all the visitors. Why ? They feel insecure. Always live in fear. All scientific & technological advancements have come to naught. Why ?

8. Why only English ? We need to learn as many languages of the world as we can.
But those who have no spine & are full of inferiority complex and slavish mentality will always be week.

China, Russia, Japan, Germany, France… see all major countries of the world today.
They take pride in their mother tongues. They know that, as per the irrefutable science of genetics, its easier & faster to learn in one’s mother tongue.

But Indian ‘intellectuals’ have no spine. They are children of Macaulay education system which was designed to keep the slavish mentality intact.. These English educated useless folks are now even coloring their hair ‘brown’ to look European.
Such shameless people are India’s burden.

8. Darling, there is nothing like Thakur’s “kripa’”. The Sanskrit word “Kripa” is made of “Kri” ( ‘to do’) and ‘Pa’ ( to get). Those who ‘do’ are the ones who ‘get’ (pa). This is the principle of Nature’s Sanatan Dharma, as also supported by Sri Sri Thakurji.

There is no magic. No miracle. Such things are for the ignorant & uneducated.
Unless & until one does labour, no achievement comes.

If I will follow Nature’s principles I will have to take no tablet. But if I ignore Nature’s laws, I will be sick. This is the teaching of Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra ji.

9. I do not fight. I just state Nature’s facts. Its your job to fight. Whom will u fight ? With Nature’s principles ? Try your best. Good luck.

Courageous are those who do not run away from Nature’s principles and have the strength & Spine to accept & follow them.

10. As I told you last time, the thoughts arising in your brain, your emotions, ‘chitta’ (चित्त) & मन are regulated by the proportionate amount of ‘Satva’, ‘Rajas’ & “Tamas” Gunas inherent in ur biological make-up. Ur decision will depend upon them. Can u escape your own nature ? !! And, as long as you can not escape your own nature & Nature, Varnashram will be a hard real fact.


Its a great thought...
I want that... 1 religion.My best Friend is Muslim.Do you know there are some good fundus there also.If there can be 1 caste then only Hindu religion can be spread more and more,which is the case for Muslims(still they have sunni and sia).But I will like to give example of Christianism.Yes,may be Protestants and Catholicism differs but still they are not different.They dont get preference in Universities,in Colleges due to this difference which is a major drawback in Hindu society.I want money,power only for spreading this.I know there will be people who will go against this.The Brahmins,as I can see will oppose most.But as I also belong to the same category,the higher caste,i know their mentalities.

As Yashendra sir, already explained abt religion, dat religion concept come here in INDIA wid west-asia imperialistic psycho,
our DHARMA has diff concept than theirs,
read him post abt it...

Thats the only reason why so many people from lower castes are leaving the Hindu religion and changing to Muslim/Christians.We are still sticking to Castes and religion.And just tell you if you continue to do this,1 day it will come that there will be no Hindu , only Muslims and CHristians.And then which ever will be having more weight will rule.

there r various socio-economic reason abt it, poverty, inferiority-complex, ignorance, developed person ir-responsibility, corruption, wrong history,lack of awareness, lack of progressive mind, lack of warrior/winner instinct/attitude etc.....

following natures law is gud for anyone...
no lower caste bt different genetic coded person, like various breeds/types of cow/dog/rice/rose etc..

its bio-diversity, read abt it from any gud site and then come here to discuss wid me abt it in descent manner, no impose, no force,we'r like frnd yar, if u hav dare, talk wid me logic bt widout any prejudice.

Dont worry,1 day will come when there will be 1 religion, 1 caste and everything 1.

obviously, one day come, wen there will be just 1 religion, bt it'll take time as people who r using religion as a tools to impose their supremacy over other group/random person wil get devastated by hook or crook,

abt caste, here caste is not proper word, rather eugenics deals wid race/breeds, bt generally one caste is one race, bt ya it may possible dat diff caste belongs to one particular race/breeds,
and its nature law of diversity, diversity is synonyms of beauty,
we hav diff type of rose,potato,cow, why??

why not just one variety of rice? why not just one type of dogs? why not just one type of cow?

bcos its d bio-diversity? read abt d bio-diversity in any general ? and then keep ur thoughts here wid proper logic.

God didnt create so many religions,castes.We created.Try to appreciate what God has created.the flowers,the river,the colors.But not appreciate what you have done yourself.And by the way,everyone who has seen my Kundali has said that I wud be ultimate rich and powerful oneday.I dont believe this.His parents are afraid that if I have so many success,a girl will automatically go upper hand.But believe me,if God gives me this oppurtunity,I will my level best to spread 1 religion for all.1 caste for all.I know I need lots of money and power.But all I leave to God.If I can do a bit to nullify this castism then also I will consider myself successful.

its d only God who created different races/breeds->caste,
same like as diff races of dogs/roses/cow....all animal and plant kingdom,

and plz here , we don hav anyth to do wid ur would be billions, talk wid logic.
an IAS officer who is corrupt so wat?
a Corrupt Politcians has so much money so wat?
a Gangstor hav ample of money so wat?
does due to it only, natural law wil get change?

here, successful means-> just money and impose ur ignorant rule by hook or crook (by using money ) no

wel,leave dis successful issue...

God,you have given me all the success.All my dreams are fullfilled by you only.I pray to you,show this person the right way to find what to appreciate and what not.Religion , castes will only create gaps.Let all be same.

here , we don hav anytht to do wid ur success, if Galeleo had proposed smth, while he doesn't had money, wt does it mean?he ws wrong? n church who ws on d apex of society, ws right...
here we don hav anyth to do wid ur success or money.

we talk just wid logic, if u r against, wats ur basis, pen down ur proper logic in proper way before us.

abt religion, let me write smth abt it in next post,

abt caste, it cannot be one,

just one question, if there will be only one type of cow, means allow mixed breed among all cow, and now u'll have just one type of new cow? random breeding, do u know abt its consequence ?

just ponder over it, read smth abt bio-diversity.

hav u ever thought wen every animal/plants varieties will be merged to one? think abt it.

as i hav already told u, it may be possible dat several castes may belongs to one races and several races belongs to one VARNA,
plz don mis-understood wid VARNA and classed in social-hierarchical way,
VARNA just represents 4 types of groups based on SAT,RAJ,TAM content as inborn instinct, which could be beneficial for human-breeding, so dat overall human breed could be better, SAT content on Earth could be higher, TAM content could be as low as possible,

wen we were following it, INDIA ws supreme nation of d world, bt since ashoka and pre-ashoka , it had started to distorted, now see wat's d consequence?

abt classes, since there were agrarian based static (generally)economy, dats why VARNA started to termed as classes which ws d basis of profession, bt again there were enough flexibility, so dat one person from one classes can do their work like other classes, means profession->changeable , bt still VARNA(n races) is same.


so in dis modern world, we could do anyth, we could belongs to worker class(like engg., and other professional), we could belongs to business class,(business, mba etc... ),
etc...... bt our races/VARNA will be intact, bt ya if smone will try to change,then s/he(esp. HE) wil hav to follow a proper ancient way till 7 generation for minimum (for few it may be 14,21, depending upon his VARNA), then he could hav 1/2/3 steps ahead in SAT content, depends upon d lineage continuation.
inborn instinct doesn;t get change so easily, it has v-long impact.

we hav human being scattered around whole globe, n there r many races,
suppose 2 races got mixed, resultant will be newone,

suppose there r various types of genes,
if 2 diff race(A and B) will crossed, diff type of race generated,
now abt quality of race.

4 cases may be arised.

1-> A quality better, B worse
2-> A quality worse, B better
3-> A and B both better
4->A and B both worse

so in dis way, 3rd is best. here its d concept of EUGENICS, (selective breeding for enhancing human genes )

VARNASHRAM marry-rule ws such rule based on EUGENICS.

now, all compatible different races are grouped under one VARNA, dats why in any VARNA, there r alot of different races, (SUB-CASTE u can say ),and all of them r compatible,

and all VARNA are coined on d basis of SAT,RAJ and TAM
now, a days, we hav everyth, bt we hav anxiety,stress, corruption too much, pollution, irresponsibility, self-centered nature, egoistic nature, etc.... dese were relatively less in vedic era,

now, there is GOTRA method , so dat one couldn't hav GOTRA intersection for hereditary disease reason,
means EXOGAMY in ENDOGAMY marital relation

now, if there will be wrong breeding, earth will have too much TAMAS , so sin, so chaos on earth,

dats why a person sud follow VARNASHRAM marital rule if s/he could follow.

abt let everyth be one...

how funny?

do u want to hav every creatures just one ?

every rice of just one types ?

every cow of one type ?

every mango of one type ?

every dog of one type ?

how ignorant thought (sorry, no offense plz )

read abt bio-diversity, and wat's its advantage ? why scientist are trying to make other vanished species get birth, why ?

abt let all religion be one

we hadn't religion concept, its imperialistic term, it ws coined for imposing one group of person supremacy against others, means t ws used as a political tools,
we hav SANATAN DHARMA as natural rule,read YASHENDRA sir post abt it, he has already mentioned abt it.

if u could merged all religion as one, we all r wid u, bt not races, bcos races r god gifted, its natural, by merging it, we may hav severe consequence, we hav VARNA as group of compatible races,

abt EU/USA myth vs. INDIA myth

Its a great idea to make all same.You know,I find there is extreme unity in European countries,in South-east Asian countries and also in US.May be there are so many states but still unity is there.

In India, we are still with so many languages.You go to South,there own language.Go to east,there is another language.And we fight with it,how funny?How the unity will come within ourselves yar?How?

Please spread 2 languages first.2 language, may be Hindi and English.Can you take 1 responsibility to spread these 2.Why English,a foreign language?Believe me , when I went to some south east Asian countries.I am shocked to see most of the people dont know English.I know,how much difficulties I faced there just because I dont know there language.I dont want my country people to be down infront of other foreigners also.My people are the best.May be he is a farmer,may be something else.If you can stop spreading castism,spread this 2 languages in the name of Thakur.It will indeed help you and mah country Bharat.

EU hav 27 country in it, 40 lac. sq. area, various language, english,german,spanish, one religion (mainly, chirstian), various sects(catholic(wid various types), protestant etc...
similarly INDIA too hav 32.87 lac. sq. area, various language hindi,maithili,bengali,telgu,tamil etc...... its d diversity, one main religion (HINDUISM), diff sects (shive,vaishnava, shakya,aghor,naga,ramanami, swami narayan etc..)

bt EUROPE is not a country while INDIA is a country, now tell me which continent hav unity?

yaya. m supporting dat we all INDIAN sud hav HINDI/ENGLISH as our language wid our mother language, measn we sud be tri-lingual
1-> mother tongue

so, we can maintain our unity among ourselves by maintaining our language/culture etc.... diversity is synonyms of beauty,
Nature is very beautiful why? bcos NATURE has diversity ...
n we hav proved dat we hav maintained our UNITY inspite of having diff language.dats why we hav ONE NATION. EU is not ONE.

[b] means INDIA is far better than EU as well as NATION and UNITY is concerned [/b]


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