Sunday, June 15, 2008

abt caste evolution

first of all, let us understand abt d evolution of man and abt genes,

I'll try to be precise while discussing these things.

-> Nature is DIVERSE, Everth is UNIQUE.
as we know, in all dis universe, no any th is identical,e.g plants, animal , herbs, germs etc.... everyth is diverse, even clone is not identical, they may hav physical appearance identical bt their mental temperament will alwys be different, means everyth in dis universe is different. Nature is diverse, n dis diversity is its beauty.

human being is also an animal, like all other creatures in dis universe, there's smth common n there's smth which is unique in everyth.
so, on absolute ground, everyth is different in dis universe.

Everyth creatures hav sm special features like dog hav special feature of smelling highly sensitive things (20 times more than human-being (generally)), in dog, there r diff races who hav diff features n hav diff smelling power, similarly for other creatures lion,elephant etc....

Human being is too a creature (BETTER WE CALL ANIMAL), like as all other animal human being too has many thing in common n smth different/unique than others, manyth in comparative amount.

Human being has unique features called MEDITATION ,Introspection, which other animal doesn't hav, due to dis feature, human being is SUPREME creatures of dis universe, although other creature hav diff. unique v-high quality of features in terms of smelling power, flying , muscles power etc...

also, human-being is most intelliegent creatures in dis universe, its called comparative best features which enable human being to be SUPREME creatures of dis universe.

Let us move towards Charles Robert Darwin (12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882) and his Darwin’s evolutionary theory, although this theory is conraversial since many years n recently few naturaist opposed it too, bt even if not 100 % then we can assume it partially most correct evolution theory out of all theory related to it (as we know, no evolution theory could be proposed by anyone ).
HUMAN EVOLUTION (main topic started from here onwards )
suppose there r a set of creatures existing in dis universe at any fixed time, now suppose human evolved in dis way

monkey(various races)->chimpanzee (various races)->human being(various races)

as nature is diverse so there would be various races/breeds, so obviously various races/breeds of human being. n so every races of human being hav diff features, bt all features here in comparative terms not in unique terms (exeption will alwys be there ) e.g dog, diff dog races hav diff smelling capability (means comparative distinct quality ) bt not any particular characteristics (unique) .

now, one remarkable thing, in nature, noth can happen Systematically, in nature everyth is Random event/phenomena.

so thinking in terms of dat one set is produced then changed to another set is false.

bt time to time diff set existed, changed to diff creatures, sm disappear after a long time(like dynasore, dodo etc..), sm remain till present due to various reason.

many races of diff creatures disappear n created alwys on earth,

suppose for e.g Human being, not all human being becam human 4m chimpanzee at same time bt they becam human being at dif time, many races disappear,many new races r in process(like andman nikobar island tribes, only 1000 human left, they r rare species a/c to indian govt, etc....

[b]so, let us conclude here from above.[/b]

every human races r diff
they hav diff comparative features
they hav diff phy. appearance.
they hav diff color
they hav diff phy./mental power (comparatively )
they becam human being at diff time

Now, wen every human being wid diff. attributes becam human being, at first time, they don hav any single ancestor in human form.

due to time diff, wen one races of chimpanzee becam human, there were already other human species on dis earth n dis process continuee..

due to diff comparative features, we can say sm races were superior , sm were inferior comparatively (diff dog races hav diff smelling power, so we say dis dog is superior as compare to other.

so , due to human features, superior races start to becam successful in diff facets of life, they becam civilized soon, used their mind fastly n before than others, (using mind is continuous process, our thinking process is gradual. ),

now, d superior becam leader of diff parts of d world,

One more thing, on every parts of d earth, there were moneky wid diff racial attributes, climates were/are diff, so obviously there were/is diff human races,
wen human being ws nomad, they wandered here to there in search of food n better location from various perspective. so at one place there may be diff races of human being.

superior races becam leader of d civilization on every parts of world, n unprogressive (comparatively ) human were follower, gardually follower too started to grow up.

obviously there would be inter-mixing among diff races of monkey, chimpanzee, nomad, human (via diff progressive stage), so diff races will produces, so bio-diversity.

Now, let us discuss abt INDIAN race.
there were difff races initially, so they had diff features in comparative view, and other racial difference,
wen civilization established gradually, then they were oraganised into society, make rule for d society (KABILA Era), n then social development started, wid various changes, development in diff facets of life started.

wen vedic system established, they divided every human (maximum of) in to 4 category, depending upon d quality ,
u can think, suppose in ur class, ur school administrator will announce to launch diff clubs, like dramtics, music, band, literary etc... so they informally chooose students from classes based on d observance n give them responsibility, at dat time, who so ever hav better quality wid dat particular club , they were assignes duty, similarly diff races based on d features at dat time, classified into dif category.ofcourse there might be sm mixing, bt generally same race, 2ndly since at dat time dere were not any equality principle or any other advance social model,so obviously erroreneous selection process n biasedness would had existed.

now...everyone started to do their work,

there would hav been ofcourse sm inter-mixing , bt generally not..

marry system ws in 3 type

savarna anulom (same varna ) :most prevalent till now almost >95 % is still savarna, so same race stilll

asavrna anulom (man-superior , women-lesser): there were although , so inter-mixing dats why u can see, diff color n other attributes in so called higher caste,

pratilom (women-superior, man-less) :Fully against, bt there were sm .

so , we can say, diff races maintained racial purity

bt generally, kings n ruller class had marreid many times,so racial purity is less in them. similarly for vaishya

since brahman had lives ascetic life, so v-less probability dat they hav racial impurity, (no offense)

shudra class since married widin their own race, so they r most pure race.

Jati (Caste): literal meaning is group of person from same ancestral womb.

its said dat Brahman hadn't mixed wid other race, generally.thus maintained their racial purity n superiority.
now abt genetic point of view
suppose there r various types of genes,
if 2 diff race(A and B) will crossed, diff type of race generated,
now abt quality of race.

4 cases may be arised.
1-> A quality better, B worse
2-> A quality worse, B better
3-> A and B both better
4->A and B both worse

so in dis way, 3rd is best. here its d concept of EUGENICS, (selective breeding for enhancing human genes )

VARNASHRAM marry-rule ws such rule based on EUGENICS.

so, brahman class married generally widin brahman (also generally almost all Brahman were monogamy) their life style didn;t allow them to hav more than 1 wife,
bt if wid dif races, then brahman wod kshatriya or vaishya(less), shudra (not at all, generally)
means alwys followed endogamy or mixing wid similar superior class

measn we can say, our genes is pure n better than others.(AFAIK) (No offense to anyone plz )

wen Varnashram were collapsed, all castes emerged , n everyone generally followed endogamy, still we can see it, more than 95% marry is endogamy.

so almost all races maintained their racial purity.

also, since we were on apex, so we can say best races ...

so..maintain racial purity n better genes by having unique social identity, called CASTE. just for marry purpose.

Now, let us discuss abt merit/demerit of caste.

it structures social-system n protected from chaos

also, its natural since time immemorial
[b]a/c to PLUTO (world one of d best sociologist ), I cannot imagine classless society [/b]

for Eugenics purpose, if we don know abt other race, then atleast if not better, atleast maintain our genes,

for maintaining diversity.

endogamy marry is more reliable, secure n thus successful.

endogamy marry protects any genetic disease.

endogamy marry makes a group which can share their sorrow/joy altogether.

now, suppose, if there will be random marry, so there will be v-high chance of genetic disease and v-high chance of racial degradation wen A+B=worse for both,
bt if there will be endogamy marry, if not better, then atleast can maintain.

since person from same caste r making relation widin own caste, so there is a chain of relative spreaded among their caste, so they all form a family, CASTE is like a type of huge joint family where everyone lives separate bt follow same rituals n follow endogamy marry, mutual trust among each other is better comparatively.can anyone say, there sudn;t be any family, everyone sud be individual, no... so d its mean descendent from a single womb (generally ), also its a personal issue.

if there won be caste, everyone will become indivualist, self-centred, selfish, less-reliable, social-identity lost so less social value, we can see it in westarn society where everyone live like an animal, generaly (no offense sorry ), means its structured d society.

also, its natural human tendency to gathered together and do smth together wid person having similar interest, and wen relation is concerned everyone becam interested in same caste, its natural psycology,


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