Sunday, June 15, 2008

Science of Varna /Caste system & Eugenics

Science of Varna /Caste system & Eugenics
Now, the million dollar question: If Vedic society was so advanced, why is India in such a poor situation today ? And the world lost/forgot such advanced sciences and technologies ?

The answer is hidden in Varnashram, the 4 varna system and its marriage-system. The downfall of Vedic sciences started in Pre-Ashok times, but, for all practical purposes we can say that the downfall started from the time of King Ashoka.

But first, lets see what Varna system n marriage system is all about. The entire nature, incl humans, are grouped, by origin, into 4 groups ( & many sub-groups), as 4 permutation n combinations of 3 gunas: Satva, Rajas & Tamas. ( Pls read Ayurveda and other texts to understand the origin n nature of the 3 gunas). They come by birth. Varnas are grouping of varities os similar inborn-instincts. Satva dominates in Vipras. Rajas n Satva in Kshatriya. Rajas & Tamas in Vaishya and Tamas in Shudras.

A man gets birth in a particular genetic lineage (family) on the basis of his previous karmas ( thoughts and actions). Birth is not accidental. Depending upon the mood & thought-level of the husband at the time of conception, souls in the range of similar thought-frequency enter into the sperm-cells. That’s the moment when each of the sperm cells become alive, with one soul each. ( This is like radio-system. We hear the frequency we tune to.)... Then all of them rush towards the ovum to conceive. ....But out of millions only one gets the chance !! This depends upon the female. The woman's psycho-somatic body will allow only that sperm-soul to conceive which matches to the impression she has of her husband on her psycho-somatic make-up. That’s why, for good progeny, wife should be tuned to her husband, coloured by her husband, she shud have adherence to her husband. Otherwise, she will select ( automatic biological system) a bad-quality soul. And the child will be negative, not developed and a burden on the society.


On this basis, the eugenic science of Varnashram prescribes that a woman shud always marry a man superior to her. Otherwise she will not respect him. And good progeny will not be born.

This way, there are 3 types of marriages:
1. Savarna Anulom: Boy n girl of the same varna. This is essential. To maintain the original biological-genetic strain of the family. The principal seed shud not be lost.

2. Asvarana Anulom: Boy of a higher varna with girl of a lower varna. This inter-varna marriage is the best. As it begets highly developed individuals. This is essential for the growth of society.
This cross-breeding is very crucial.

3. Pratilom: Boy of a lower varna n girl of a higher varna: This is banned. As it is an outrage to mate less developed sperm with more evolved ovum. Children of such wedlocks may be intelligent but they will be, by their innate nature n biological makeup, destructive for the society, life and growth.

( There are some other rules also which I need not mention) So, human breeding on above lines are essential for furtherance of the society. ( By the way, these rules are vindicated in plant and animal breeding as well).

Now, Ashoka started promoting Sanyas-celibacy. This was neither the ideals of Vedic society nor of Buddha. Buddha had preached Middle path for general society. True, some individuals may like to take sanyas. But this cannot be prescribed for general society !

Due to this, most able boys stopped marrying in Ashoka's rule. Celibacy became a fashion. Thus, their seeds were lost. Those bio-qualities were lost forever ! The girls had no choice but to marry inferior men.

Then, the generations which followed were genetically inferior. They did not have the valour, strength and ability to carry the might Vedic sciences on their shoulders. They were weak.
Soon, India collapsed. India became a hunting ground for invaders.
The Vedic wisdom was still there, but no SPINE to carry it, practice it and use it !!!


And we know the rest of the history of India.
We forgot our sciences, our wisdom. Our only aim became survival, in face of foreign onslaught. Eat, shit and survive. And, then Macaulay came to perform the last rites. The pyre of Vedic civilisation is still burning. Its being kept alive by modern Indian intelligentsia which mocks, scoffs and laughs at its own civilisation.

This is impotent intelligentsia. Impregnated with solely the Western mindset, rooted in matter. Unable to comprehend the finer realms and science-technology of consciousness. They know not that matter is condensed form of energy and energy is condensed form of consciousness !!
These ppl depend upon machines, computers and labs to understand nature. As they are too weak and their perceptive faculties are limited to matter. Like fools, they divide the world into spiritual and material. They do not know that spiritual contains all material sciences !!

We hope that the few remaining, if anywhere at all, will tap the technology of Yoga and re-increase the ranges of their perceptive faculties, and will be able to tap, understand and use the supreme science of Vedas, so that we can have much advanced, and harmless ( no pollution or strain on natural resources) technologies in all aspects of life.


Dear, it becomes difficult to write each n every thing in a forum like this. Particularly on such topics which can only be properly discussed in face to face chats.

In short, I did not imply that "everything" happened in Ashoka's rule. But that’s the major thing. And what happened, that once the evolved biological strains were lost, and the breeding (marriage laws) laws started collapsing.... the trend continued and brought-in many negative things. For example, the new Brahmins n Kshatriyas lost their basic qualities of protecting and taking the society towards furtherance. They were of very poor quality birth. As a result, instead of loving and nurturing the weaker sections, they started exploiting them ! 'Rakshak' ban gaya 'Bhakshak' !

And traders became self-centered and stopped funding R& D and other social stuff. ....everything turned upside down. The meaning of Dharma, rites-rituals, tradition-culture all was forgotten. Weak spine cannot hold a strong brain.

And its not possible to reverse this generational degeneration at will. It will take planned approach for many generations to revive anything. It is said that if you want to destroy a country, just introduce one Pratilom marriage there. And, rest assured, their civilisation will be destroyed.


The 3 gunas are present in each and every particle of this creation. In humans as well.

Those people, in whom Satva-guna dominates ( and keeps the other 2 in check) by birth ( as inborn instincts)are Vipras.

In whom Satva-Rajas have equal impact- are Kshatriyas. In Vaishyas Rajas-tamas dominate. in Shudras its Tamas.

Some added info:
- An acquired instinct requires 7 generations to get converted into inborn instinct.

- Thus if a Shudra lineage shows Vaishya tendency, continuously for 7 generations, then the from the 8th generation that lineage becomes Vaishay Varna...... This way, in a minimum of 21 generations, a Shudra lineage can become Vipra.

( A Kshatriya lineage can become Vipra in 7 generations, and Vaishya in 14). .... There is great importance of 7 generations in our culture n tradition. Its a scientific fact that genetic reversals takes place at 7th generation. ( Even in Bible, Jesus lineage is mentioned up to 14 generations).


[ Question >> So somehow the higher castes have a better developed sperm or ovum? So now we have not only high caste humans but also blood, sperms, ovum and cells!<<<]

1. No, its the other way round. See it this way : Those who have more evolved sperms and ovum are called “higher varnas /castes”.

No two things in this creation, be it blood, soil, rocks, plants, animals, human individuals are same and alike. Nature cannot create two things exactly same and similar. Thats an impossibility. Only similarities exist. ...... And on the basis of similarities of inborn instincts ( Guna-wise) FOUR major Varnas have been recognized.
And when we talk about “more evolved” and “more developed” me understand its meaning. There are 3 Gunas. The more is the dominance of Satva-guna, the more evolved one is. This is the scale to measure how evolved or devolved anyone is. ( You also read the details of the meaning of each of the 3 gunas. I am not writing that here.)

And, actually, this is not limited to humans only. But every aspect of creation is in 4 varnas. In plant kingdom, some tress are Vipras, some Kshatriyas, & so on & so forth.
Even soils, insects, animals, air, fire, water, planets and whatever u can think of !

This is embedded in Nature, whether we laugh at it or not !! The creation itself has taken place with 3 Gunas, and the 4 Varnas.

Can truths of Nature change if we start laughing at it ?!!

2. Pratilom breeds are negative and anti-existence by birth. Whether we feel good or bad about it is immaterial to Nature.

Whenever and wherever such marriages have taken place, they are wrong. We should not think that all people mentioned in Puranas or ancient scriptures have always done correct things only. Wrong deeds have been done in the human society ever since the beginning of humans on this planet.


Pratiloma marriage has taken place even b4 300 B.C. But they never had sanction of the Varnashram science of breeding. Be it in humans, plants or animals.

Some people, including kings, might have supported Pratiloma due to their own selfish reasons. But Sanatan Dharma does not support it.

Almost every other fault in humans can be corrected or rectified. But there is no cure possible in a Pratiloma offspring. Its so dangerous. These individuals, when born, might be very brainy and intelligent, but they will revolt against the principles of Life and growth. .... The society is full of Pratiloma people today. That’s why they do not accept Varnashram.

And also children of other wrong marriages and wrong breeding. There are other wrong breeding, apart from Pratiloma. For example: Marriage with blood relatives ( in the same Gotra); children conceived when husband have sex against the will of their wives; when couples are intoxicated with alcohol, drugs or similar other things; when their mind is involved in baser/low level thoughts; suppose a couple is having sex after watching a late night crime-show on TV, then chances of birth of a criminal becomes high--- it all depends upon the thought-type frequency.

For having good children, the couple shud have high level Satvik thoughts while conceiving. Human birth is not an accident. Its a pure science which has been known to our sage-scientists since time immemorial. That’s why u find " Garbhadhan Sanskar", complete with special mantras, rituals and muhurta !! For begetting good and positive progeny !!


hey that was really great!!!

1)can u plz write more about "garbhdan sanskar",the mantras,rituals etc. or tell which scriptures contain it.

2)also wat in ur opinion is more better...Savarna Anulom or Asvarana Anulom.

just to tell u,there was incident at my place where a vaishya girl married a brahman boy and there was such a hue and cry over this was intercaste marriage and plus love marriage too.

3)An acquired instinct requires 7 generations to get converted into inborn instinct.

wat needs to be done to acquire instincts of vipra that u talk about??can u plz elaborate more.


1. U can buy books on Sanskaras where u will get the details.
2. Asavarna Anulom produces the best progeny. But such a marriage cannot take place unless the boy’s first marriage is Savarna Anulom !!!! Before cross breeding, one must breed into his own varna, to maintain the original stock. Thus, Asvarna Anulom requires polygamy of males.
The marriage u r talking about is Asavarna Anulom and is proper if other factors are also compatible. But the problem is that it will be valid only if the boy has a Savarna Anulom as well !! Not otherwise. Society must maintain original biological strains. Biodiversity is important. We cant sacrifice it.

3. Acquire more and more Satva gunas. Follow a spiritual life. Surrender to ur Guru, and follow him.

There are ways out of any adverse situation. There is never a hopeless situation in Sanatan Dharma.

1)can u recommend any specific book which contains all the mantras etc.

2)Thats confusing.i agree polygamy is allowed but ramji said for ek patni vrat.

3)Acquire more and more Satva gunas. Follow a spiritual life. Surrender to ur Guru, and follow him
and if such a thing continues in for 14 generations for a vaishya.will he become a brahman then??is there any way to judge this??and does then the next generation shud recieve same treatment as other fellow brahmans??

4)There are ways out of any adverse situation. There is never a hopeless situation in Sanatan Dharma.
why dont you post the ways out too.


1. 1)Arya samaj. 2) Chaman lal Gautam’s publication from Bareilly. Etc.

2. Ramji married only in his own Varna ( Savarna Anulom). He was not against polygamy. His own father had 3 wives.

3. No, not he, his lineage ! He will be dead by the time his 14th generation appears !

But he may himself be born in a Vipra family in his next life.

4. No. Not in public, as that will vary frm individual to individual. There is no general cure for Pratilom children. But one thing is sure. They should get themselves sterilized. Unfortunately, they loose the rights to breed any further.


The fundamental priciple of Varnashram is that one cannot grow at the expense of others. Our life and growth depends upon others' life and growth. It recognizes the bio-diversity in nature and endeavours to make them fulfill each other so all can move together, in tandem, towards furtherance of life !!
>>A brahmana born as one, who has terrible conduct is worse than a Shudra.<<<

No doubt about it. But he can be rectified and corrected definitely, as he has the capabilities to shake off his terrible (tamasik) conducts. As long as the inborn instincts are proper and intact, corrections can be brought in. Gold, however polluted it is, can be restored its original quality. But silver, even at its best, will be silver only.

Avin , you say “Your Caste should not bind you for your entire life.” It means u have not read my posts carefully. Caste is not something outside ! It is just a name of your inner psycho-somatic make-up, your thought patterns, the dynamics of your brain-nervous system and all that which make you !! Can you ever negate the effects of these factors ??????

Whether u use the term caste or not, you cannot escape your innate nature, your inborn instincts !! You cannot run away from yourself !!

Everything which comes into existence in this world has its inborn nature, and caste is simply a labeling system. Of Inborn attributes.

You said >>>Four varnas are mentioned in Bhagwad gita, but that is based on one's nature (consists of three modes -- goodness, passion and ignorance) not birth.<<<

From where does your nature come ??? From vacuum ? From nowhere ? Dear, your nature depends on your inner psycho-somatic make-up, your thought patterns, the dynamics of your brain-nervous system and all that which make you !! And all these things come BY BIRTH !!!!!! Your nature depends upon your birth.

Sri Krishna says He has created the 4 varnas. Who is Sri Krishna ? I hope u read how Krishna describes Himself and His identity. He is the Supreme Being who has made this world. Have u not read Gita ? And have u not read that Sri Krishna says that the entire Nature is made up of the 3 gunas- Satva, Rajas n Tamas ???????? Have u read the Purush-Shukta ?

3 gunas n 4 varnas are inherent in creation. Whether humans or plants, animals, planets, wind, water, soil or anything.............everything has 3 gunas, and thereby, everything has come into existence in 4 Varna groups !!
Gold, however polluted it is, can be restored its original quality. But silver, even at its best, will be silver only.

But Yashendra. The Mahabharata flatly contradicts your statement. Yudishtra goes on to say- A person born as a Shudra who conducts himself in a proper manner - can attain the status of a Brahmana.

And modern science has proven that Genetics and Environment both play an important role in shaping a human being but the latter's influence is far more superior.

Having ignored the message of the MBH we stuck to the archaic Vedas and the degenerate Puranas and Manusmriti--that is why our civilization was Struck by Monotheist Invaders.

As William Durrant has put-- A civilization cannot be destroyed from outside unless it had started to decay from inside. How true of India?

Just follow the Ramayana and Mahabharata-- Take all the Vedas and Puranas and burn them in a big bonfire and our gains will be greater than the loss.


And ur quote of Yudhisthir is about Brahminhood. There is difference between ‘Vipra’ and ‘Brahmin’. Loosely, we use them as synonyms. But that’s not proper. ‘Vipra’ are those by birth. By heredity. On the basis of inborn instincts.

While being a ‘Brahmin’ means becoming a knower of ‘Brahm’ ( the Supreme Being) and having very advanced spiritual knowledge. Now, anyone of all 4 varnas can become a ‘Brahmin’. Even a Shudra can become a ‘Brahmin’. He can become a spiritual guru of the Vipras. There is no restriction.

But, when it will come to marriage, that Shudra who has become a ‘Brahmin’ like this cannot marry a Vipra girl. Because, in marriage its only the Inborn instincts which are considered, not acquired instinct. It takes 7 generations to get one acquired instinct converted into inborn instinct. So, if that Shudra lineage shows that Vipra quality for 21 consecutive generations ( as I have mentioned earlier), his lineage will become a ‘Vipra; lineage. In 7 gen his lineage will be Vaishya, after 14 kshatriya and from 21st- Vipras.


Bhagavad-Gita, 4:13): According to the three modes of material nature and the work associated with them, the four divisions of human society are created by Me. And although I am the creator of this system, you should know that I am yet the non-doer, being unchangeable.

Sumit, the term "modes" have been used by the translator for the original term "Gunas" used by Krishna. And 4 Varnas are four combinations of these 3 gunas, as I have explained. Isn't Krishna saying that He has created the 4 varnas ???? When He has created them, these 4 varnas are inherent in Nature !! Thats why every single object in this world, including human beings are grouped into 4 varnas !!

(Bhagavad-Gita, 3:33): Even a man of knowledge acts according to his own nature, for everyone follows the nature he has acquired from the three modes. What can repression accomplish?

"everyone follows the nature he has acquired from the three modes".. Sumit Dear !! This exactly is Varna-system ! Everyone follows the nature he has acquired from the 3 gunas ! Four broad categories of possible nature are called 4 Varnas !! In each category there are sub-types known as castes and sub-castes.

"What can repression accomplish ? " Yes ! Repression of ur own inner nature will be harmful to u.
There are 4 major types of Inner nature- Vipra, Kshatritya, Vaishya and Shudra. These are just names. Of one's inner nature.


You say “ CONDITIONING one self to become vipra ?” ..... Now, u just remove the term Vipra if u r finding it repulsive. U just take the meaning of the term Vipra. A vipra is he who is dominated by Satva guna. Now, would not each one of us endeavour all the time to be more Satvik in nature ? IS not Satva-guna the ideal state for humanity ? Pls read in detail what is Satva guna, and I am sure, dear friend, you will have no repulsion towards Varna system. ( We have become averse to terminologies & nomenclature used in our own culture n tradition, as we have been culturally conquered by the West.) But can anyone be averse to Satva guna ??????


1. Irrespective of the number of castes in India, you can easily find out to which Varna they belong, from their traditional memory. And those who are well-versed in this knowledge of castes n Varna can easily know this. Knowing Varna in India is very easy.
2. Do not confuse Vipra varna or Satva Guna wd ‘Sadhu baba types’. Any Varna person can become ‘sadhu baba’. And there is no need to ‘measure’ Satva or other Gunas. Just know your varna and follow the principles of varnashram. Particularly in marriage. Read Sri Sri Thakurji’s books for this as He has left nothing un-explained. He has explained in great details all things related to it in modern terms so that we all can understand.

3. To know how to find /understand compatibility, pls read Sri Sri Thakurji’s parameters. U can read The Message Vol. 7 (in English), and books like ‘Vivah Prasange’, ‘Vivah Vidhayana’ etc. Also the Hindi volumes of Alochana Prasange. I will try to post the compatibility parameters in the community.
4. Pratilom marriage is dangerous, always extremely harmful. It has no cure, no solution. U have mentioned Shudra-Shudra marriage. That is proper. But marriage of Shudra boy with Brahmin girl produces most harmful type of human beings. Our scriptures call them ‘Chandaals’. Even one such marriage is enough to destroy the nation n the civilistaion.

5. Savarna and Asavarna Anulom both are imp. Savarna to maintain n conserve your family lineage and to make it better. Asavarna Anulom is required to bring in newer biodiversity in the society. That’s why a man can go for Asavarna Anulom only after first marrying Savarna girl. First conserve n preserve what u have and do not loose ur main stock. And then proceed to cross-breed.

there's sm book related to it....

But some books/chapters I have posted in the folowing community (pls join n discuss all dat u want):

In its 'Files' section, pls read following files/folders:
1. Human Birth मानव जन्म रहस्य
2. Varnashram (Hindi)
3. Biology & Becoming
These are all direct sayings of Sri Sri Thakurji.
Then u can find lots of Messages posted in Messages section. Relaated to what we have talked.

even in downfall the caste system has been so strong enough that several lineages have maintained their purity. As u r a Vipra, u just check out in ur geneology whether ur forefathers married outside Vipra or not. At least check for 7 generations. If posiible, check on ur mother's side as well. [ Do the same for ur wife as well]. .......... Pls note that even if ur forefathers married non-Vipra females, u will still be a Vipra. But u will belong to a sub-type of Vipra. ...... One does not loose Varna/caste by cross breeding. Rather, the quality of the breed improves. This is the law of Varnashram. ..... The only thing unacceptable is Pratilom marriage ( girl of higher varna & boy of lower). If marriage has taken lace as per Varnashram laws in ur geneology, u can be sure of the innate qualities, however dormant they may be. Gold, even if covered by filth, still remains Gold. It will manifest itself the environment nourishes it. But if it is not Gold, rather iron, then whatever its....

btw..... its just discussion abt the ancient indian social system....

we all can fully agree or dis-agree wid it....

just we sud discuss it in healthy way and it sud be based on d logic.....

dats all.... we'r here for sharing knowledge regarding it.... not for degrading others.... no dis-respect abt any view..... just keep ur view..... it totally depends upon u whether u'r agree or not...

anyone can be vipra in one birth..see how ?

if there is any Vipra, he's Vipra till he got Upnayan sanskara, after dat he started to follow Brahman life-style, n then he called as Brhaman after learning vedas etc...
n dis process continue for his next generation too...

similar way, wen smone from other varna becam Brahman by KARMA, then his next generation wouldn't hav VIPRA genetic instinct.. right...
bt since he's Brahman by KARMA, so if he wants his son to be Vipra, so dat he could become Brahman, obviously his son too can lead Brahmanic life, then his son too wil called as BRAHMAN, then same wid his next generation onwards ....similar way like as other BARHAMAN next generation....

so , means any caste can be Brahman by KARMA in just 1 birth.....logically,

there's just few difference, b/w Vipra->Brahman conversion and Brahman putra->Brahman by karma...

Vipra has already Vipra Genetic Instinct , while Brahman Putra (whose father is not Vipra) hasn't Vipra Genetic Instinct.

2ndly, if suppose Kshetriya started to become Brahman, he's Brahman now by his Karma, next generation, his son too followed Brahmanic life style, becam Brahman,

suppose widin 7 generation, his one of d descendant didn't lead Brahmanic life, n then again his son followed Brahman life style, now will there be again new cycle started or just counted from his ancestor (its not practical as how can i know how many of my ancestor followed Brahman life style ) , so would widin 7 generation, u may count how many followed and how many left to hav VIPRA Genetic instinct ?

if any Vipra son didn't followed brahmanic life style, will his next generation too hav Vipra Genetic Instinct or if he again started , will he hav to complete 7 cycle again to hav his 7th generation Vipra Genetic Instinct?
or there won be any effect?


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